Drawings: Comparison of Ages 6 and 8

Check out the different 2 years can make!

Here are some comparisons of drawings from Mei Makes from ages 6 and 8:



Contour Line Drawing of Kangaroo:
Contour line drawing is a special kind of drawing where you put all your attention into looking -- really looking! -- at the edges of your subject, trying your best to avoid looking down at your hand and at the lines your hand is putting down.  This teaches observation skills.  It trains your eye to really see the nuances of your subject.

It can be kinda scary to do at first.  Because you're not looking at your paper, you have to trust your eye and the results that come from it.  But the results can be surprisingly good.  You can learn more about contour line drawing from Drawing from the Right Side of Your Brain.

Both drawings below were done by Mei Makes at Age 8.  Nice!


  1. Keep practicing your contour line drawing (it's okay to look down and peek every once in a while). It will help you improve in all your other drawing!


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