How to make Chocolate Chip Cookies

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These homemade chocolate chip cookies are really easy to make tastes really good. I have noticed that a lot of chocolate chip recipes use a lot of butter. In this recipe, I use some butter, but not very much. I also less sugar because chocolate chips are really sweet.  I hope that you enjoy making this recipe as much as I do. (Plus, let me know if you actually do make this recipe. I would like to know how it turned out.)



½ cup of coconut oil (You can use butter instead but one of my goals was to not use to much butter.)
¼ cup of butter (You can also use coconut oil but I thought it would be nice to use some because when I first started looking into chocolate chip cookies, I didn't find a recipes with only a little bit of butter)
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
¼ cup of granulated sugar
¼ cup of brown sugar (You can use either light brown sugar or dark brown sugar.)
2 eggs
2 and ½ cups of flour
¼ teaspoon of salt (You can use more or less depending on how much you like sweet and salty. You can use up to ¾ teaspoon and down to no salt.)
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 cup of chocolate chips


  1. First, melt your butter and coconut oil together in one bowl.
  2. Once your coconut/butter mixture has melted, pour it in a big bowl. I used a metal bowl but you can also use a glass bowl.
  3. Then add your vanilla extract, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and eggs. Mix until combined.
  4. Pour in all of the flour until their is a dough.
  5. Knead it a little until all of the little bits are attached to the dough.
  6. Add all of the chocolate chips. Then combine it all together. If not of all of your chocolate chips are sticking to your dough, you can use them to decorate your cookies right before you bake them.
  7. Bake for 8-12 minutes at 375 F. I hope you enjoy these chocolate chip cookies.
  8. I based this off of this homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Mei Makes blog and YouTube channel!!! 


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