Origami Crane- Easy to Follow Tutorial

 Click here. Or watch the video here: 

How to Actually Make the Origami Crane:

    So, you've watched the video, but you still aren't quite sure if you can do it yourself. You might find the help you need in the step by step instructions down below. These are the words that are meant to go with the video. After watching the video, you will likely have a good idea of how to make the crane, but you might not be completely sure, so you need to check with the instructions. 
  1. Start with a square piece of paper. (You can buy precut origami paper here.)
  2.  First fold the paper in half.
  3. Open it up and fold it in half the other direction.
  4. Open it up and flip the paper around.
  5. Fold the paper diagonally.
  6. Open it up and fold the other diagonal.
  7. On the side that you folded in half originally, then let it naturally fold itself into a four pointed star.
  8. Fold two points of the star together to form a diamond shape.
  9. Fold both of the side corners to the center crease. (Be sure to leave a little space between the corners and the center crease to make the rest of the crane easier to make.)
  10. Flip it to the backside and do the same thing.
  11. Fold the top corner down to make a triangle shape.
  12. Unfold it and repeat this process for the backside.
  13. Unfold the folds that you did on step 9.
  14. Bring the top layer up, but only to the line that you creased in step 11.
  15. Fold the corners to the center.
  16. Repeat this process for the backside.
  17. Fold the corners to center again.
  18. Repeat this process for the back again.
  19. Open it up and fold the tail and head out. (If you are struggling with this step, it may be helpful to watch the video.
  20. Fold the head down. (Also, see the video for this step.)
  21. Fold the wings down as low as it goes. There should be a triangle left in the middle.
  22. (Optional) You can separate the feet on the bottom, which causes it to be able to to stand on flat surfaces.

For More Crafts and Origami, go to my YouTube Channel or use the label "Crafts" or "Origami".


  1. Good thinking, writing out the detailed instructions. That will make this tutorial accessible to folks with different learning styles!

    1. Thanks for the compliment. Do you have any other suggestions?

  2. Very nice demonstration and instructions. Better than the ordinary origami books. Congratulations.

  3. I used to make it. Now I tried but It was too fast for me to follow :(

    1. Oh no... Maybe you can try to read the instructions.

    2. Also, don't forget to pause the video if you need to. Hope this helps!

    3. You can also watch little bit, hit pause and do your part. Then continue playing when you're ready for the next part. The nice thing about YouTube videos is that you can easily rewind the watch again any part that you might have missed.

    4. Also, YouTube should have a feature that allows you to watch it slower.

    5. OK. This is what I hope. Thanks!


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