The Silent Girl (Chapter 8)
*Disclaimer*: This is a work of fiction. Some events may be based on real life, but some events are made up. For translations of the Chinese, see the Translation section at the very end.
We finally got over it. (Not everyone was the same, but they made it through.) Clara smiled real smiles, but never laughed again. She still talked though, which was better than me. I also stopped any ideas of talking again.
School was now one of my few comforts. At least most people were happy there. I even got to continue the story, since the substitute couldn't find the stuff we were working on. Here is how my story continued:
"Lily didn't know that Disgrace had a curse. Lily thought it was weird that Disgrace's father named her Disgrace. She called Disgrace "Lily" because the youngest girl or pair of girl twins are always called Lily, since she is the youngest. One day, there was an announcement that the royal family was coming to Disgrace's little town. Everyone was so excited. Disgrace thought that maybe Laura, her stepsister, would impress the prince enough at the ball. Then Disgrace wouldn't have to destroy the spider webs. Though she couldn't please any humans, all of the animals liked her. From ants to spiders to horses to dragons, every animal loved her. Over the years, she had even learned the animal language! Whenever she destroyed spider webs, the spiders would complain about what she was doing."
The bell rang and we had to stop. Now, I had to go on the Lee Family Bus back home. Nai Nai¹ had said that she would have a surprise waiting for us.
When we got home, Ye Ye² was standing at the front door. Nai Nai came out too.
"Come on! Tell us the surprise. Are we going to get to go to Florida? I know everything about Florida.", Hayden said. (I need to clarify something here. None of the children have gone to Florida before, but we all wanted to.)
"Wo men yao qu ri ben. Ni men hui kan shu gong. Ta she Ye Ye de di di.³", Nai Nai said.
"You guess can also cheer up from your dads deaths." Ye Ye added.
Wow! That was certainly a great surprise. Ava had told me that Ye Ye's little brother wasn't much younger then Ye Ye and Ye Ye is old! I had never been to Japan and I wondered what it would be like.
¹ Grandma
² Grandpa
³ We are going to Japan. You guys can meet your grand uncle. He is your grandpa's brother.
FYI, I am currently working on writing, so for all the people that are curious, the Silent Girl will be continuing.