The Silent Girl (Chapter 14)

 Written by An Makes and Mei Makes.

This is the official logo for "The Silent Girl." It was designed by Makes Tech Team for Mei Makes. It features the Lee family bus, birthday cake and balloons, animals, fruit, and so much more!

*Disclaimer*: This is a work of fiction. Some events may be based on real life, but some events are made up. 

As I burst into the room, I sniffed out a disgusting smell, a combination of dust and garlic. I didn’t really like this new smell, it somehow made me queasy and suspicious. My eyes darted around the room, and I realized it was total chaos! I wondered why nobody else was coming, I especially wondered why the grownups weren’t coming, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, I had to help Clara!

I decided to get help, before Clara got all of her face buried! (The Muck was already all the way up to her chin!) Muck was a kind of bird food that looked and felt like mud. It also smelled really bad for some reason. I ran to Ye Ye and Nai Nai's room, and pounded the door, which hurt a lot, but I didn’t care. If Clara died, that would be horrible, I couldn't let that happen! Finally Ye Ye opened the door, frowned and said, “Why all the racket?!” 

I frowned back, and grabbed his hand. Then I started dragging him out the door. He knew it was pointless to resist, when I was stubborn enough to pound on the door as hard as I could, I was probably stubborn enough to punch someone in the face! (Which I was, I would punch Ye Ye twenty times, if that’s what it took to get Clara out of that pile of muck!) So, Ye Ye let me drag him all the way to Clara’s room, and I opened it to see Muck flying everywhere! Some even shot out of the door!

I tried to write, but the blizzard of Muck blotted out all my words. I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t write, I couldn’t draw, and right this moment Clara was getting more and more buried in the mound of Muck!


Ye Ye gasped as he looked around the chaotic room. Then his eyes landed on Clara, so did mine. We could only see her eyes and above! Ye Ye started running to the pile of Muck Clara was buried in, not even telling me what he was going to do! But I guessed he was probably going to start digging Clara out. I wanted to get some gloves for Ye Ye and me, so our hands would be less covered with the thick, slimy, dusty, Muck. To get the gloves I had to go to the kitchen, and my mom would be super mad at me if I got all the Muck tracks all over the kitchen, so I took off my socks, and ran out the door. Then I closed the door behind me, so that no poo would come out, into the hallway. 

I arrived at the kitchen, and quickly started rummaging through all the drawers, leaving brown, sticky, handprints all over the kitchen drawers. Finally I found the drawer that I was looking for, I was starting to get worried about Ye Ye’s progress, so I did the quickest thing, grabbing the glove box, and dashing back.

At the door, I found a scary surprise. There was my mom, and uncle Henry, and my mom was shouting her head off about how unsanitary it was, leaving a pile of smelly, dirty, dusty, Muck at the front of the door to me and Clara’s room. 

“This is the most disgusting thing in the world, leaving a pile of disgusting brown stuff right in front of the girls room! Is this a booby trap for them?!” My mom was having one of her infamous temper tantrums. I had those too, when I was really mad, or really annoyed, or just in a cranky mood. Kind of like what I had been doing to Ye Ye, but that was more severe than usual. Usually I just did small things, like saying “Would you shut up,” in an annoyed voice, and then walk away. (I will admit that that was a mean thing to do, but I couldn't help it.) But if Ye Ye hadn’t given in, my temper would have really flared up, and I would have done something mean, maybe shout at the top of my lungs, and Ye Ye would have been cowering the way Uncle Henry was cowering right now…

Oh, right! I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. 

“Mommy, it’s not Uncle Harry's fault, It’s not anybody’s fault, but would you be a good mom, and help your nei-” “-Aaaaaaaahhh! Help meeeeeeeeee!”, Clara screamed, interrupting my sentence. I quickly pushed passed the adults, ignoring my moms scolds, and I burst through the door, to find YeYe also covered in Muck, from head to toe! I slipped on my gloves, and looked up, just to see Clara disappearing through the brown Muck. I started digging the poop off of her, and soon could see her hair, but then it got covered again, by the blizzard of Muck. I was super frantic because Ye Ye was also buried. I was also starting to get buried by the disgusting muck. I started digging myself out too, but it was no use, the disgusting stuff just kept coming! 

“Everyone, Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp uuuuuuuuuuus,” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Ava came casually walking into the room, wearing her airpods and said” What’s all the commotion? I heard screaming. What happened to Ye Ye, Clara, and Isabella?” What are you talking about? Just help us, I screamed inside my head. I frantically waved my arms, and tried to heft myself out of the Muck, just to breath. I was running out of breath, and I knew Clara could hold her breath for much longer than me, but what about Ye Ye? When I came up for breath, I saw Ava helping Ye Ye. “Thanks, Ava.” Ye Ye said. Ava nodded, and then went for Clara. Then I saw my mom finally glimpse the mess inside, and come in. My arms were tired, so I slowly sank back into the darkness, but thankfully, Ava came to my aid, and started hefting me out. My mom slowly made her way to us. I was thankful that Ava had come early, because Ava had always been good at pulling things out for some reason.  

Then Uncle Harry entered, and everyone froze. We slowly turned our eyes to him, trying to see through the blizzard of the disgusting Muck. Then, as suddenly as he had come, he ran out of the doorway. Strange!  Why did he leave and not help us? By the time we all got out, Malachi and Austin both came trailing in and said” What did we miss? Anything dramatic?” The rest of us all burst out laughing. The boys gave us a confused look, shrugged, and then joined in laughing.

 The Muck had gradually slowed down, but a few little drops were falling from the sealing now. “Is that brown rain? Can I collect it for my science experiment?”, Hayden asked in awe. We all startled, we hadn’t noticed Hayden enter. “ Uh. Well, we were having a little tragedy. Would you mind if we all go take a shower? It shouldn’t take too long because I saw 20 showers next to each other. When I went exploring around the house. We’ll explain why later. I remember the way, so I guess you guys can just all follow me.” Ava said awkwardly. For the first time, since I had gone in Clara and my room, I noticed that I smelled awful. We wiped our feet on the bed, and left.

“The water is soo hot,” Clara said five minutes later, through the wall that separated each shower. “I know. I feel like I’m in lava, but somehow not burning.” I wrote with water on the glass wall. , “Uncle Harry must have a lot of money to be able to afford so many bathrooms and showers, and this giant house!” I wrote. “I know. It’s so luxurious. Not to mention all the nice snacks in the special snack room.” Clara said. I nodded and wrote, “I feel like the house is very clean. Too clean! I think he even hires professional cleaning agents to clean the house at night, or while we’re all gone!” “I know, but the cook is so friendly, gives me super yummy and healthy Japanese snacks, and is teaching me Japanese!” Clara exclaimed. “Well, the staff are super nice, there is this really nice kitchen maid who knows all these cool crafts, and is super talented at climbing rocks and trees, and she can even climb cliffs! I’m actually quite happy he hired her, but It’s kind of weird, being treated like a pampered princess in our great uncle’s “humble” house!” I wrote on the glass. “ Yeah. The engineer is really nice. She is teaching me how to do some more of that engineering stuff.” Ava joined in.

We soon finished showering, and grabbed these crystal-clear towels. Like, literally, they were transparent! I had never seen, or heard of transparent towels, but this was uncle Harry’s towels, and I was sure that Uncle Harry would probably buy a million-dollar plastic coin, if he really wanted it! I soon changed into my homemade clothes. They were my favorite out of all of my homemade clothes because they were so soft and they were blue. (One of my favorite colors.) 

Clara and I headed back to our room, which made me kind of sad. I had lost my drawing pad to the blizzard of muck, but it was just a small sacrifice to save Clara and Ye Ye!  Still, my mom and I only went to the store one day of the whole entire year! My dad, on the other hand, had gone shopping almost every week! 

Meanwhile, Ava and the rest of my family were in the huge living room eating ice cream and telling the boys about what happened in Clara and my room. Clara and I went into the living room, and Ava handed me and Clara an ice cream. I got chocolate raspberry, and Clara got Strawberry and Raspberry swirl ice cream. She had lots of berry chunks in her ice cream. 

We headed back to our room, licking the ice cream down the loooooong hallway. I thought about what had happened. I remembered the hot feeling of fear, when I had first seen Clara getting buried by the muck. I really didn’t want to experience that again! I shuddered, and tried to focus my mind on some of the happy moments of that event. Well, I thought if not for Ava, we probably would have all been done for! Well, maybe just Ye Ye might have succumbed to death, but still! I shuddered again, and tried to remember the warm feeling of relief washing over me, when Ava had walked into the room. 

“Uh, Isabella, you're about to walk straight into the wall!” I startled, jumping out of my thoughts. I was about to reach for my pen and drawing pad, to write “Thanks” when I remembered it wasn’t there. Oh, right, I thought to myself. “I lost it.” What would I do? How could I express my gratitude to Clara and how would I communicate with the world anymore? Unfortunately, I didn’t know the answer to either of these questions. I sighed, and Clara and I started walking down the hall again. We arrived at the door, and we reached for the doorknob, grasped it, and opened it to see...                                                                                                                                                                                                 

To be continued... 

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