The Tech Girl (Chapter 3)
By now, you likely have read "The Silent Girl" and "That Math Girl," but if not, you should definitely read them. With that being said, let's get started.
I had wanted to take better science classes than what my school offered, so I Zoomed into a Portland class. It would mean taking the class even when our school was out of session, but I would get a better education. Plus, I also got some extra time to do some programming or research on Saturdays. (Our school is only in session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays since the local teachers teach at another school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) Mrs. Munchie told us what to expect and got right into teaching. She gave a lecture while I took notes. Occasionally, a student asked a question, which Mrs. Munchie answered. The only problem was that Mrs. Munchie really lived up to her name. She was continually munching away on snacks!
Finally, she explained our homework and where to access and submit it. I only had time to access and download the assignment before it was the bell rang. My next class, math, was also virtual, so I could just stay in the empty cafeteria and work. During passing time, I went outside and ran around. It was nice to be able to get some fresh air and exercise. A few minutes later, the bell rang. It was time for math class. I logged onto a new Zoom meeting. and the whole cycle started again. The difference was that my math teacher, Mrs. Farthing, was teaching Algebra 2 instead of Mrs. Munchie teaching Biology. Also, Mrs. Farthing didn't eat as many snacks.
Before I knew it, the bell rang. I raced over to the cafeteria kitchen and grabbed our cooler bag. Then, I walked over to our usual lunch table. All of the other kids soon arrived. Hayden was the last, partially because the elementary school was the farthest away and partly because he was known to use the restroom every chance he got. When Hayden arrived, we prayed, and I passed out the food. Everyone got some scrambled eggs, grapes, leftover stir-fried meat and veggies, and a bottle of milk. It was a delicious lunch. After about 15 minutes, we had finished our lunch. That left us with about 15 minutes to play outside. After cleaning up after lunch and dropping the cooler bag off at the kitchen, I also went to play outside. Everyone liked to play outside, even the high schoolers. It was tons of fun to be able to play with different grade levels. Of course, I listened to podcasts the entire time we were playing. Before we knew it, the be rang, and recess was over.
I quickly raced over to my first "real" class of the day, History. I didn't really like History, but I would have to get a good grade. I wanted to graduate high school and go to college, but that required taking History, so I did it. My history teacher was named Mrs. King, so it was fitting that she was our history teacher. Mrs. King gave a quick introduction and then launched into a mini-lecture. After that, she gave out the homework, and it was time to move on.
I headed to the cafeteria to Zoom into my next Portland class, which was college programming. I had tested out of the regular programming, so I was taking college programming. The procedure was the same as all the classes before, except that the college class was shorter, so I had an extra 15 minutes to do whatever I wanted. I decided to do my programming and math homework. More homework done now translated into less homework later and more programming or research time. I had gotten most of my programming and math homework done before the bell rang.
I moved on to my last class of the day, English. Mr. Literary, my teacher, did almost the same thing as the rest of the teachers. After he assigned the homework, it was time to go back home.
I walked outside and went to my usual seat at the front of the bus just behind Ming. I switched my All-In-One™ Wristband to no-motion sickness. I had no-allergy on all the time and used no-motion sickness when I wanted to get work done on the bus. I finished the rest of my math and programming homework as I listened to a politics podcast via my AirPods. Then, I worked on my History, Science, and English homework. The problem was that I couldn't listen and work at the same time, so I had to pause my podcast. After a while, I was done with my homework. (If you didn't know, we lived very far away from school. The bus ride takes a long time, so the bus ride takes a long time, so I can get a lot done.) I logged onto the dashboards of some of the freelance coding sites I worked on. My favorite was coding for political campaigns. It was tons of fun to support my favorite candidates while getting paid for it!
The most important person I had worked for had been a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, but that was still important. Emily Story was a retired law professor that had wanted to win Florida's 7th Congressional district. I found her posting using my own browser extension that helped me find reasonable offers or interesting things/candidates. At first, she was only doing okay in her primary, so she hardly paid me anything, but it was still enjoyable to do. Her issues aligned a lot with mine. This was someone that I would really like to see in the House of Representatives. When she won her primary, and her party rallied around her, she started to have more money to pay me to maintain her website. She ended up narrowly winning. Some of the reporters suggested that her win was due to her fantastic website. Of course, they didn't know that a fourteen-year-old Chinese girl made the website. I checked a few websites and signed up for assignments that I liked. Then I checked my email. It was mostly the routine stuff, but I noticed an email from Emily Story. She hadn't emailed me in almost a year when she wanted to say thanks for her website's help. I wondered why she would possibly want to write to me. She was a REPRESENTATIVE. She must have better things to do. It turned out that...
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