That Math Girl (Chapter 11)


*Disclaimer*: This is a work of fiction. Some events may be based on real life, but some events are made up.

“Oh! That’s interesting. Why do I seem to recognize her a lot?” Nabal said, still not convinced that he didn’t actually know Mingmei. “Well, anyways, can I have another one of those really good daisy cupcakes?” I nodded. I felt like shouting in his face that he should be a prisoner and that he should be thankful if he even got stale bread, but I decided against it. I gave him one and started writing an email to Great-Uncle-Harry.

“Can I tell you a secret? But if I do, can you please not tell anyone? You promise?” I typed. I didn’t want Uncle-Harry to be telling Nabal. He might help him escape somewhere. Better not!

“Okay.” he answered back.” I promise that I will not tell anyone your secret. I really do want to know.” So far, so good, I thought. My plan is working like a charm. Now, Uncle Harry, you really don’t want to know this secret. He! He! Ha! Ha!

“Okay, here it goes. Nabal, your best friend, is a traitor.” I knew these words were really harsh, but I couldn’t help it. After all, Nabal was a very bad person and Uncle Harry was his very best friend. Even Ling Ling had accidentally betrayed herself without even noticing by saying that Nabal was a special person or something like that. How could believe it automatically or he would think it was not true because Nabal was his favorite person?

“What!? That can’t be true! Yeah, he’s like every human being, but he would never lie to me. Besides, you don’t even have any proof! Do you!?” Great-Uncle-Harry said, obviously very surprised that I said that Nabal was a traitor. I felt a little sorry that Great-Uncle-Harry had been tricked, but barely enough to show any compassion for the man, even if he was my great uncle. 

“It’s true and I have a lot of proof. Here it is.” I sent the video to him. He didn’t type anything else, so I took that as a sign that he was watching it. I wondered if he would believe me. I wished that Nabal had chosen some other family to lie too, but, then, that would be selfish. Besides, it was kind of fun to plan it and all.

Great Uncle Harry suddenly came in. He was moaning and groaning, “No!! It can’t be true!! No!! How dare you Nabal! How dare you trick me and my family! Wait, no! No! What did I say!? No, Nabal is my best friend. Best, best friend! Tell me it’s not true! Please tell me it’s not-” A funny and hysterical Uncle Harry got caught off by Ye Ye.

“It’s all true. Everything in that video. I watched with my very eyes. You want to defy me? Just telling you, don’t ask Nabal to be your witness. You saw him tell everybody that he was lying, didn’t you?”

Suddenly, before anything else could happen, Mingmei stood up and turned to Nabal. “You think that I am somebody else, Nabal, but you will have to face your old self. My name is Mingmei. It’s my turn to share something. I went to a horrible, unlicensed preschool. Everyday, we had to visit the local prison. They thought that the prisoners were heroes. I’m the girl that you saw that day. Thanks to my preschool, I saw you too, as a hero and villain. I saw the whole thing with my very eyes, that which I’m penetrating you with this exact moment. You and “Uncle Harry” were planning your escape, I know it.” 

She paused and turned to Uncle Harry, “You know the secret police?” Uncle Harry nodded. The Secret Police were people who helped keep track of people who had murdered a lot of people and had escaped from the prisons only in Japan. “Well, I am a silent, secret girl police and I have the authority to put you under arrest. I have lots of proof. Clara?” She gestured to me and I handed her my old phone. “This is the first piece of proof. Now, Nabal, if you leave, I’ll make sure you have a bigger punishment. You don’t want to know what I’m thinking!” Nabal stayed, though he had a very dark shade of red on his face and he couldn’t look anybody in the eye, especially Ye Ye, Mingmei, and Great-Uncle-Harry.

Mingmei, or should I say the secret, silent police, pressed the play button. Immediately, the recording started playing. Somehow, it was also projected on the ceiling and sides on the wall. We all stood there, staring for a few minutes. 

Then, when the record ended, Uncle Harry said, “Why, Nabal!? I thought your mother had lived in America all her life! You told me she didn’t even know any other language besides English. Hey, and I thought you wanted Damien to sign a treaty to start a war in Japan! It also says that you will get to rule! Am I right!? By the way, Nabal, I thought you’re mom was half American, half Japanese and your dad was fully German! Now that’s why you have that accent! I did wonder about that! Wait, your name isn’t Nabal Farthing, your name is Bad Nabal Person, the worst criminal that was ever known!”

Nabal, or should I say Bad, as red as he was, turned redder. He yelled, “Fine! I’ll admit it. I am the person you accuse me of, but you're never going to catch me!” Bad stormed off, dropping a paper on the floor. Oh, there wasn’t anything on it. I slipped it in my pocket. It might come in use some other time, or I really just wanted to keep it as a token of my solved mystery. 

“Not so fast, Bad. You’re under arrest.” Mingmei said firmly. With that, she pulled out some handcuffs and connected him to it. “I have a whole video of you two planning too. I had a camera for my birthday, in case you wanted to know.” Even Uncle Derrek was surprised. “All right guys, can we go meet Officer Police?” Uncle Derrek nodded. “I'd like to bring Clara and.. Isabella.” Uncle Derrek nodded again. We all piled in with Bad in the back, screaming. 

When we arrived, Officer Police was waiting for us. “Did you catch Bad?” she asked, surprised. Mingmei nodded. “Good Job, Mingmei. How did you ever catch him? You know, Bad Nabal Person is the worst and sneakiest criminal in the all of, well, I guess the world. Uncle Harry can go to prison in a month, I want him to enjoy your company while you stay.” Officer Police patted Mingmei’s head. She then went to escort Bad to the prison.

We all headed back to the house and had a big celebration. By now, Uncle Harry and Ling Ling believed that they had been tricked, and had promised to make it up by doing community service. (Well, Ling Ling promised for both of them, while Uncle Harry fumed over his lost friendship.) 

We all had dinner on the roof! (It was a flat roof patio, very modern and marbley.) All of the food was on the third story and we went up and down to get dinner. Thankfully, all the snacks and desserts were all on the fourth story, where we were. 

After a while, Ling Ling and Mingmei’s mom came up to me. “You know The Blueberry Crescent?” Ling Ling asked me. I nodded. That was a really yummy thing made of all-natural ingredients. “Well,” she continued. “The real recipe was created by Xiaohua (Mingmei’s mom). She and I would like to give you the recipe because you liked it so much and we also have a secret to share with you. Okay?” I nodded excitedly.

“Well,” Mingmei’s mom said, “Did you see some blue vegetables and fruits at the market?” I nodded. They were the really suspicious things that I had seen. My new aunt continued, “Well, The Blue Crescents are made out of them! Here’s the recipe.” She handed me a small piece of paper. Now, we could make the Blue Crescent at home! Suddenly a thought struck me…

Come back later to read more of "That Math Girl" and don't forget to check out the rest of my blog!!!!


  1. What is that thought? Can't wait to read it!

    1. You'll see in Chapter 12! It should be out soon!

    2. Is Mingmei really a member of the secret police? I thought she was a teenager like Clara and Isabella. How come she carries handcuffs on her person?

    3. Yup!!! It's really cool. She's a junior member.


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