The Crazy Panda (Story 4)


 The Crazy Panda

The Panda was so funny! We opened our mouths and ate all of the funny. Yummy! The Panda was surprisingly quiet. Suddenly, a cloaked figure named Nabal jumped out of the sky. He banged his head and said, “ Ha! Ha! Ha! I banged my head and…” He suddenly vanished and the panda started scratching us. At first it seemed like the panda was trying to be friendly. 

But then, the panda yelled, “Ka! Ka! Ka! Bla! Bla! Bla!” and started pulling out our hair and bugs. They probably landed on our heads because it was night time. Just as we were about to leave, or else it would scratch us to death, the panda did the weirdest thing in the world. The panda stopped scratching and started crying tears that were like a tablespoon each. “WAH, Wah, wah. WAH, Wah, wah.” it cried. Clara started wrestling her to make her feel better, but that didn’t work very well. In fact, it started having tears ¼ cup full!

Soon, the tears were a foot deep. 2 feet deep and then 3 feet deep. Then, it happened, we couldn’t stand anymore. “Help!! Help!!” Clara cried. Clara was shorter by ⅕ of an inch. We all tried to swim, but we didn’t know. This time, we pushed our noses twice and question marks appeared on our heads. Just as Mingmei had an inspiration. She pulled her sleeve a few times and then tried to stack the passion fruit on, but that didn’t work, so Ava pulled her sleeve and she stacked cheese on top of each other. “Ding!”, we heard coming from one of Ava’s cheeses. We walked on all of them like frogs jumping from lily pad to lily pad. Yeah! Yeah! That was so funny! Imagine standing on cheeses in a river of tears! Funny, funny, funny! We all gobbled up lots of funny!

 The End.

I hope you enjoyed this short and funny story!!!


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