The New Gifts (Story 5)

The New Gifts

We stomped our feet toward our underground house. Through the front door, down the stairs, into Isabella’s bedroom, and into our kitchen. Ava started making some Passion Fruit ice cream for a late night dinner and Clara started making mac-and-cheese for dessert. We snapped our fingers to eat dinner and dessert. The food floated up to our mouths.

Then, Isabella and Clara hopped into a big pail for no reason and suddenly, they disappeared. This had happened to Ava and Mingmei. That was how they got their special powers. “Ahh!!! Ahh!!! Go away!!!”, a cloaked figure named Nabal yelled. “Get away!!! Otherwise, I will die.” Huh? How did Nabal die when we were there? We were tempted to go away, but we stayed firm. Maybe we could get a gift too!

Isabella and Clara yelled that they would not leave unless Nabal gave them something in exchange. “No. I will never give you anything.” Nabal said, very calmly, and bonking his head at the same time. He started to fade away slowly and he finally said, “What are your favorite foods?” Clara yelled chocolate covered blueberries that didn’t melt and Isabella yelled chili. He banged his head and yelled, “Bang! Bang! Bang! I bang my head and boom!” “Now leave.” We quickly jumped back in the pail. 

We suddenly reappeared and found two slips of paper. One said, “Throw your hair, Clara.” and the other said, “Roll in a ball, Isabella.” Woo! Hoo! We have powers too! Clara flipped her hair and a HUGE chocolate covered blueberry appeared on her head. Isabella rolled in a ball and a bowl of chili appeared. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Such funny, funny, funny, funny gifts. Ava and Mingmei came over and we ate all of the yummy, yummy, yummy funny! Everything was so funny, especially our gifts!

The End

I hope you enjoyed this short and funny story!!!


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