The Silent Girl (Chapter 21)


This is the official logo for "The Silent Girl." It was designed by Makes Tech Team for Mei Makes. It features the Lee family bus, birthday cake and balloons, animals, fruit, and so much more!

*Disclaimer*: This is a work of fiction. Some events may be based on real life, but some events are made up.

….A snake-like creature with three horrendous lion heads and wings that were covering the snake-like clothes. I gasped in horror, and Coconut spun around. When she saw me, her face filled with a mixture of amusement, fear, and concern. “Oh, May,” she said softly with a hint of laughter in her voice. “You shouldn’t have come.”

I glared at her. 

“This is my own fight.” It was hard to keep my bitterness and anger out of my voice. I couldn’t believe Coconut hadn’t brought me to fight against the big, fat, burly, Stupid Man Liam guards! “I despise you, Callous Coconut.” Coconut looked at me for a moment, searching my face. I kept it in a glare, narrowing my eyes, and drew my eyebrows together, pressing my lips tight, and squishing my nose. I repeated what I had said, in pure spite of it. “I despise you. Callous Coconut.”

But the creature interrupted me. It let out a mighty bellow and darted toward me. I flew into the air, trying to getaway. Thankfully, the creature couldn’t fly, but Coconut, the selfish, foolish, cruel, Callous Coconut seemed determined to keep her ground. She flew toward me, pushing me backward (It felt like tons of force), caused me to fall to the ground. “Coconut!” I fumed in anger, but she ignored me, keeping her eyes on the creature. The largest lion head spotted me soon after, and, since I was lying on the ground, I couldn't fly up to safety. My toes curled in the boots, trying to grip the grass. Both hands were squashed beneath me, keeping me from standing up. I was paralyzed on the floor, too scared to move a muscle.

I despised Coconut, hated Coconut, she couldn’t control my life like this! “Coconut!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, but either Coconut chose to ignore me because she was “busy”, or Coconut chose to ignore me because she was stupid and didn’t care about me anymore. 

Suddenly, I saw a flash, and, before I knew it, the creature was on top of me, glaring at me with its shiny yellow eyes. I snarled. It snarled back, but it's snarl was the power of ten tigers, and it trembled the earth. Much worse than my snarl. Horror filled me, and I squeezed my eyes shut, dreading for the first bite. Please, I hoped. Please, please, please, don’t let me die, I won’t die, Coconut will help me, please, please, please. 

I trembled as I smelled the pungent breath of the creature. I wanted to scream for Samuel and Great-gran-daddy, but I knew they were both far away. Coconut wasn’t helping, and soon I would be crunched up bits of meat. I let out a terrified scream at the thought, squeezing my eyes tighter until tears leaked out. I felt the lion’s head close up on me…

“Stt!” What was that noise? And why didn’t I feel the disgusting breath anymore? I felt my hands reach out from behind my back, and my toes relax. I sat up. There was Coconut hovering in the air, but where was that horrid monster!? 

I looked around, realizing there was a puff of green smoke in the air. Where was that coming from? Suddenly, it all dawned on me. I turned to Coconut, thoroughly annoyed. “So you’re going to play it, hero, are you?” I asked, my blazing eyes sweeping into her soft, calm ones. “You pushed me like that so you could fend off the monster yourself!”

Coconut looked confused. “I-I p-pushed you?” Coconut stammered. Then she turned to me, her voice full of sadness. “I didn’t mean to do that,” she said, staring down at her feet. “I just wanted to get you out of harm’s way-”

“-That thing couldn’t even have done anything!” I shouted at her, my anger piling up. “Besides, you put me in even more danger when you pushed me, so you’re obviously lying!”

Coconut looked at me, ashamed. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to do that. I’ll explain what happened if-if you tell me why you're here, young lady!”

“No!” I was more furious than ever with her, I would tell her nothing! And How dare she call me a young lady! I was much more than that, I was a flyer! Beating my wings, and pulling back my legs, I burst into the air at full speed, flying forward as fast, and with as much energy, as a hummingbird.  

I raced through the sky, the loud rushes of wind pounding against my ears. Ignoring it, I took out my very last apple, taking an enormous bite, and stuffing it back into my bag. I turned around. Coconut was hot on my trail, a determined look spreading across her face. I gave her an even more determined look and turned forward again, beating my wings until it throbbed. Still, I beat them even harder, as I plunged into the lush forestry again.

I swerved tree trunks and dived under branches, as I crossed the obstacle of trees. I saw Coconut in the distance, but she didn’t have as much agility when it came to trees. She kept making puffing sounds, calling after me. I ignored everything, trying even to ignore the small tinge of guilt nagging at me. 

I soon lost sight of Coconut and the white pearlescent castle loomed in front of me. I shivered at the sight, knowing both kings, the imposter one, and the rightful one was inside it. There were guards at watchtowers, at the wooden brown drawbridge, even some driving by in helicopters! I landed on a tree not too far away from the awful sight, but far enough that I wouldn’t be spotted.

Ducking under the green foliage, I watched as a white and gold helicopter whizzed by. I hated the place, and how Loser Liam treated himself like he was a real king! And he was a traitor, a murder, and my least favorite person on earth. Even Coconut, and June and Bratty Britta were better than him! 

It would be hard to navigate the complicated structure of guards, but luckily I had something on my side; pure Sorcery Straw. I descended to a low branch with plenty of space between other branches and turned the bag into a woven helicopter, one that I could control with my mind. Then, I wished for the top to become white and the bottom to become gold, hoping it could become both colors.

To my relief, the Sorcery Straw obeyed my wish. I smiled, swinging open the door. I was about to close it when I heard a familiar voice, a horrific surprise indeed. “Not so fast, big sis,” a sweet little voice said. “We’re coming with you.”I recognized the voice as June’s. I closed the door without comment, thinking, Fly, fly, fly, into the open sky! 

The helicopter rocketed into the air, swirling past the branches, into the bustle of other branches. “Go into the open castle grounds,” I commanded through the loudspeaker. The helicopter obeyed, flying above the palace courtyard. But I was met by yet another surprise, June was hovering in identical helicopters beside me, piled with Coconut and Cora. I snarled at them, commanding the helicopter to burst forward.

But June was one step ahead of me. She darted around the other helicopters, which I soon copied. It was a race of skill, a race of agility, and my mind raced with anger. Trying to think what to do next, my mind suddenly darted back to our argument. I had insisted on arguing, but June had started it first. Right? Right… mostly. 

It had been June who had brought up all the negative thoughts. She had tried to stop my plan from working. She had denied my marvelous idea. It had been her who had started the resentment going. But I had been the one who had gotten angry first, who had first raised the argument. Maybe it was a little my fault. I turned to June’s helicopter, only to realize they had shot ahead, and I couldn’t recognize the woven helicopter through all the other metal helicopters bustling around. 

I zoomed through the sky of white and golden bees, desperately searching for June. I needed her to be at my side, she was smart and loyal, and kind, and considerate, I suddenly remembered the strongness chocolate balls, the night Coconut had shown June and me around, she had offered us them! June had taken them, I had declined! I felt a ball of heat and guilt rising inside me. I was determined to prove my loyalty and friendship to June. 

To be continued... 

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