The Silent Girl (Chapter 23)

*Disclaimer*: This is a work of fiction. Some events may be based on real life, but some events are made up. It wasn’t a hard task, changing the looks of the helicopter. All I had to say was, “Helicopter, helicopter, oh so high, change to match the color of the sky!” Well, I didn’t have to say that, I could have grumpily murmured, “Helicopter, blend into the surroundings on my command, which is Right Now!” But I secretly liked the silly moments of life, they were like little treasures stored away deep inside the oblivion that was my brain, stored inside a buried locked chest full of those precious little jeweled memories. So, as I pushed away my fears, I chanted my silly little poem, and soon the helicopter’s windows disappeared, replaced with a dreamy sky blue, and cottony clouds. The shafts of light coming out were my only source of the world beyond. “Helicopter, helicopter, on my command,” I began. “Let me see out to thee, but so thee may not see me.” I know that sound...