Survey: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

Hi! It's Mei Makes! If you checked the Upcoming Projects Page , than you've heard that I'm starting a new projects. Surveys. My first Survey is this: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? If you want to receive Surveys too, than fill out the Contact form. Here are the answers we got below: Mei Makes : I would tithe 10% and then put the rest in the bank. FunWithMei : Give some to God, pray about what to do with the rest, but probably invest a lot of it. Makes Tech Team : If I had a million dollars, I would invest it in my retirement fund so that I could have more money in the future. Yo Makes : Eat it or burn it. Ba Makes : I would save some, give some away to a good cause, and buy my kids some ice cream cones. I also wouldn't tell anyone. Nai Nai : I would pray and see how the Lord lead me. An Makes : I would donate some to the Seattle Humane Society, buy my bird something yummy, buy myself something yummy, buy my parents something yummy, maybe...